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Get involved with urticaria day 2016 by organising or attending an event. This page lists all events associated with urticaria day.

Are you planning your own event for urticaria day?

Planning your own event for urticaria day is a great idea! Post the details of your event here to have it added to our event list, and enable everyone to participate. Whether you throw a party, start a local self-help group or raise awareness for urticaria in a differnt way: Spread the word and make October 1st a memorable day!

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DISCLAIMER: Whilst all reasonable endeavour has been used to ensure accuracy and completeness of the details of the events listed, Urticaria organisers of urticaria day are not responsible for the events themselves and actual details may differ from those on the site. Please check with the listed contact for the event for full details.  

Oct 01, 2016 - 08:30-16:30
Skopje Macedonia University Clinic of Dermatology, School of Medicine, University St. Cyril and Methodius
Prof Vesna Grivcheva - Panovska will be available for pro bono consultations for all Urticaria patients. You can phone, e-mail or come in person. more
Oct 01, 2016 - 09:00
Berlin Germany Berlin Congress Center (bcc)
Curriculum der Allergologie Raum B05/06 … und sie quaddeln immer noch Vorsitz: Ulf Darsow (München), Hagen Ott (Hannover) 1. Urtikaria und ihre Fragezeichen: Was wissen wir nicht? Bettina Wedi (Hannover) 2. Urtikaria auf der Zeitachse: Ist das... more
Oct 01, 2016 - All Day
Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Espoo Finland Shopping Centers in 4 different cities
Aunts on the skin? Itch, Wheal, Angioedema - World Urticaria Day more
Sep 30, 2016 - 16:00
Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
45 Minuten pure Urtikaria! Was ist Urtikaria, was sind die Ursachen, wie behandelt man? Professor Markus Magerl teilt sein Wissen mit Ihnen. Folgen Sie am Freitag den 30. September um 16:00 Uhr dem Link more
Sep 30, 2016 - 17:00
45 minutes pure urticaria! What is urticaria, what causes it and how do you treat it? Dr. Frank Siebenhaar will share his knowledge with you. In order to participate just follow the link on Friday, 30... more
Oct 01, 2016 - All Day
Barcelona Spain Asociación de Afectados de Urticaria Crónica (AAUC)
World Urticaria Day - more
Sep 30, 2016 - 16:00
Berlin Deutschland Berlin and worldwide Please enjoy the recording of the webinar. Viel Spaß beim Ansehen der Aufnahme des Webinars. more
Sep 30, 2016 - 17:00
Berlin Deutschland Berlin and worldwide
Enjoy the recording of the uday2016 webinar from 30 of September 2016. more
Aug 30, 2016 - 15:00
Heidelberg Germany TANKTURM
Hautklinik Mainz casting the spotlight on pediatric urticaria more
Oct 01, 2014 - All Day
Vienna Austria Congress Center Vienna more
Oct 01, 2016 - All Day
Navi Mumbai India Dr DY Patil school of medicine
Oct 01, 2014 - All Day
Wien Austria Kongresszentrum Wien
We won't give up! more
Oct 07, 2014 - All Day
Istanbul Türkiye Okmeydanı eğitim araştırma hastanesi merkez kütüphane
Sep 28, 2016 - 7.30
Bangkok Thailand Siriraj Hospital
Apart from general urticaria disease knowledge, there were 6 stations related to urticaria test and management provided for patients in this event more